’77 Hawk Profile

Matt Krajewski

I must have loved the Creek so much that I returned to intern and teach PE and weightlifting in 1981.  It was quite an experience to sit in the teacher lounge at SCHS with some of the same teachers I tormented 4 years earlier!  I have been in education for 25 years and a school principal since 1996. I am currently principal at Deland Middle School.  Music is still a major part of my life and I am fortunate to be a member of 2 local bands.  It’s been an interesting and rewarding 30 years. 

I have a wonderful wife (Kathy) and 9 year old daughter (Nikki). 

The website is great and many of the “pics” bring back some great memories. 

See ya’ this summer!

Matt Krajewski

(Posted 02-13-2007)

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