’77 Hawk Profile

Sharon Pompey

After graduation and three years of employment at Halifax Medical Center, I matriculated at DBCC and majored in Legal Secretary for a year.  Worked briefly as an Assistant Legal Secretary which was not challenging enough.  I went back to DBCC and majored in Accounting.  I've worked as an Assistant Manager at two apartment complexes and a Customer Service Manager at a major bookstore before finally settling into a position as an Assistant Program Financial Analyst at a huge corporation ten years ago.  I currently assist with managing the budget of our largest program.  God has blessed me with the opportunity to sample many different careers.  However, I found the finance/accounting field to be my forte.


God has blessed me with three beautiful children.  My oldest daughter is studying for a Human Resource degree.  My son is a local recording artist and has started his own record label.  My baby girl will start college in the Spring of '08.  After dissolving my marriage to Patrick Wilkerson, I left Daytona in search of a quiet place to raise my children.  I decided to settle down in a quaint Mayberry type town.  I have seven grandchildren ranging in age from one to seven.  They are the apple of my eye...alone with my new found love.


Thirty years ago, I attended the prom with one of my best friends.  Like so many of my friends, we lost contact after high school.  I couldn't pass up the opportunity to reconnect with him when I saw his name on the Hawks On-Line website.  We were struck by cupids arrow a few weeks later and have racked up many frequent flyer miles since that day.  God has truly been blessing me through out the years.  I am looking forward to reconnecting with all of my friends soon.


God bless,

Sharon Pompey

(Posted 07-02-2007)

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