’77 Hawk Profile
Mike Poniatowski
Hi I’m
Mike Poniatowski. I was the dude that carried Clementine the Hawk all over
God’s creation during our Junior and Senior years. She and I had fun walking
the beach, what a chick magnet.. Not me, the Hawk.
After graduation Mr. Gold and I had a heart to heart talk about her future and
it was decided that I should cut off her jessie and
return her to the wild since she couldn’t go to Gainesville with me where some
senior prankster would have undoubtedly use her beautiful feathers for some FSU
prank during the annual match up, you know gator-bird, horrible picture! I’m
talking head dress here. Took her about a week to realize the jig and the free
beef hearts were up but she finally took the hint and flew away. Low and behold
according to my parents she came back with a boyfriend several times over the
next year but finally flew away and never came back. They would land in her
perch which is still in that ole oak tree on the beachside where I grew up.
Have any of you ever used the saying “if I had to do
it all over again I would” or “if I knew then what I know now I would”… I try
those lines on my kids all the time but you know, kids
are smarter than us. Hmmmmm..
The Lord has blessed us in many many
ways. I have been married to the same great woman,
Personally I started with a career in law
enforcement, did the SWAT Team thing
In our spare time we raise horses on our farm and shuttle
our young ones to various sporting events depending on the season. We have a
small herd of horses, all types and hard as I try I feed them a lot and all
they give back is manure, 3 dogs, a barn cat and various wild animals that we
support by allowing them to steal the cats food.
My 15 year old goes to Creek as a sophomore, and the
13 year old goes to Warner Christian but next year it’s off to Creek as well.
My nephew was Mr. Spruce Creek about ten years ago, 10 years ago.
My how time flies.
See you in July!
p.s.: Yes I have arthritis in just about every major
joint and it is hard to get up in the morning ;>)
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