’77 Hawk Profile
Debbie Thorne (Tate)
I am Debbie Thorne Tate and am one of
the Mainland kids to go over to 'Creek and never look back. Well… except
for when Mr. Gold took some of us out of school that first year and drove to the
Steak & Shake for lunch and watch the Mainland Homecoming parade; what
a guy!
After graduation I went on to Nursing school at DBCC and later at UCF. I had 10+
great years in nursing in Critical Care & Post Anesth.
at Halifax. I had a lot of fun (hospitals used to be a
crazy place to work)...seeing Mike Poniatowski in his flight suit for Sheriff's
Dept and his meeting of a great gal--Lydia. I met my husband, Dick in 1985, married, and
had our son Taylor in 1988. We lived in SC Fly-In (husband a pilot) and
began to get a bit tired of the tourism so left FL for Chapel Hill, NC in 1995. We have loved the state of North Carolina and of course Chapel Hill and all that comes with living in a small southern
college town. My husband is a U of F grad so we are big ACC and SEC
fans. I spend most of time doing part time accounting for my husband's
office, volunteering at school & church and the stay-at-home mom
duties. We moved into our new southern farmhouse on 10 acres a year ago and are still wrapping up all that comes
with new construction.
My parents have both passed away now
but stayed in their little house in South Daytona all 43 yrs. I guess the last time I saw Daytona
was for a wedding in 2005 and was so surprised by the amount of growth in
Volusia county. Our son, Taylor is now a
6'6" senior in high school that has just been accepted into James Madison Univ in VA. Watching him go through high school has
been a lot of fun. I have so many good memories of the class of '77. The
teachers: the laughter of Ms. Attick,
the "feeling veeery uneasy" Mr. Malloy
(does anyone else remember him saying that?) Mrs. Harkey
and 2 summers spent working on her beach concession in the Shores. Coach Kirton and the club he used to carry in the parking
lot. SGA: planning the homecoming festivities, bon fire, hayride, working
with senior board. Mr. Tee's Pizza after the games at Memorial Stadium, and the Burger Chef on Ridgewood Ave. the only place close enough to skip to for lunch. Grad night at Disney. Senior Cruise and a rental moped
going off the dock into the water?? And finally the challenge of
explaining to my son why we held our commencement in a Jai Alai Fronton; and
for that matter what the heck is Jai Alai anyway!
Looking forward to getting back and
catching up with everyone!
Debbie Tate
(Posted 02-03-2007)(Updated 07-24-2007)
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