Creek High School
Class of 1977
If you have an E-mail address and are not listed
If it has changed from what is listed,
Acebes, Gail |
Applegate, Debra (Soncek) |
Applegate, Terry |
Ashburn, Danny |
Balch, George “Bud” |
Barnard, Tanya (Sault) |
Barnhart, Russ |
Barrett, Virginia (LeMoyne) |
Barrington, Marianne (Owens) |
Barrow, Raleigh James |
Barrs, Desnee (Young) |
Bell, Michael |
Bentz, Kelly (Khalsa) aka Hari kim |
Betz, Jim |
Blais, Kathy |
Bower, Susan Carol (Holland) |
Broadbent, Jo Edith (Barnes) |
Bronson, Flora (Stitt) |
Brown, Brenda Joyce (Register) |
Brown, Marie Eva (Singletary) |
Broxton, Lawrence “Larry” |
Bryan, Brady Robert |
Bullock, Princess Claudia (Davis) |
Cerillo, Victor |
Clemmons, Pam Gwen (Brooks) |
Comer, Debra “Debbie” Elaine (Menendez) |
Conage, Sheryl Denice (Lewis) |
Conner, Jeffrey “Jeff” |
Conner (Sutherland), Cheri |
Cook, Brian Thomas |
Cox, Cathy (Bailey) |
Craig, Catherine "Cathy" (Fisler) |
Cutts, Willie J. |
Davis, Glenn |
Davis, Lloyd |
Davis, Teresa |
Decilla, Deborah “Debbie” C. (Hock) |
Dennison, Bill |
Desrochers, Norman "Skip" |
Dixon, Charlene Elizabeth (Leis) |
Dixon, Donna Faye (Thompson) |
Donatelli, Dave |
DuBois, Wayne |
Ebel, Alison Marie (Sylvester) |
Edwards, Dorinda "Lynn" Kathyren (Bubba) |
Ellis, Laura |
Ellis, Timothy “Tim” |
Evans, Cheryl A. (Westhead) |
Fabian, Samuel “Sam” |
Farrah, Michael |
Faucette, Boyd |
Fidler, Susan Anna (Cales) |
Field, Nancy Rae (Montanari) |
Forbes, Lawrence “Larry” E. |
Ford, Barbara (Koch) |
Fretwell, Gail (Roberts) |
Furbay, Randy |
Galloway, Greg |
Gay, Gary |
Gersley, Pat K. |
pgersley@bellsouth.net |
Gilbert, Natalie |
Gill, Susen Deborah (Shields) |
Grande, Doni |
Gray, Susan (Clippinger) |
Griffin, Tammy J. |
Grimshaw, Rick |
Grooms, Tim |
Guess, Shuwanna Lynn (Heflin) |
Haddocks, Dawn Beatrice |
Hall, Denise (Ruckel) |
Hamilton, Virgil "Dean" |
Hartman, Brian |
Hearin, John |
Hedrick, Jim |
Helwig, Dave |
davehelwigart@yahoo.com |
Hill, Linda Marie (Pogorelskaya) |
Hobbs, Linda Marie (Day) |
Huggins, Angela (Stephens) |
Hutchison, Donna S. (Hamlin) |
Hyde, Cynthia Lee “Cindy” (Medders) |
Jabaly, Joe |
Jacobs, Jennifer Lynn (Hoag) |
Johns, Terry Sue (Shelton) |
Johnson, Laura (Taylor) |
Johnson, Willie “Billy” |
Jones, Anthony L. |
Jones, Shirley Ann (Dillard) |
Kaser, Lynn Kimberly (Weber) |
Keane, Patricia “Patty” (Fronauer) |
Kelley, Randall “Randy” Owen |
Kimball, Susan D. (Horton) |
Koontz, Chris |
Krajewski, Mathew “Matt” |
Lanternier, Lori (Sharlow) |
Larkin, Jean (Ford) |
JFord4009@aol.com |
Lawler, Bill |
Liess, Zenda |
Lewis, Tony |
Little, Lisa Ann |
Lopresto, Karen Elaine (Nevison) |
Luther, Mike |
Mais, Barry |
Mallory, Clarence, III |
Maresca, Jean Frances (McDonnell) |
McAdory, Suzann Philiss |
McCladdie, Lucy |
McCormick, Mariann F. (Godfrey) |
McCoy, Mark |
McDonald, Thomas “Murray” |
McDowell, Lisa (Cummins) |
McKim (Jeffries), Patty |
McLaughlin, Kellie (Carissimi) |
McMillon, Don |
McNorton, Bruce |
Meagher, Kathy |
Medvick, Judy (Granata) |
Meeks, Paul |
Merrell, Melody (Baade) |
Mesick, Doreen (Padgett) |
Metts, Cindy |
Milholen, Kim (Ritchey) |
Miller, R. Scott |
Minnick, Jean (Diamond) |
Morison, Cheryl Maureen (Wall) |
Moore, Dennis A. |
Mounts, Teresa "Terri" (Vasile) |
Naugle, Linda (Peshek) |
Nelson, Maggie (Morgan) |
Newman (Aquino), Dawn |
Nixon, Lewis |
Nofal, Charles "Charlie" |
certified1@sbcglobal.net |
Ohmes, Diane E. (Frye) |
Olenick, France "Hank" |
Olsen, Kris R. |
O’Neal, Donna D. Kelsey |
Panos, Shellie (Mallory) |
Paulk, Teresa "Terri" Lynne |
Pemberton, Denise |
Perry, Linda |
Petersen, Kelly (Flowers) |
Pierce, Thomas |
Powell, Laurie Marie (Bailey) |
Polito, Jim |
Pompey, Sharon Yvonne |
Poniatowski, Mike |
Pringle, Kelly (Robson) |
Purcell, Lynette |
angel.com.aboard@gmail.com |
Quartier, Deanna Mary “Dee Dee” (Newby) |
Rennie, John |
renniej@earthlink.net |
Robbins, David "Dave" William |
Robarge, Frank Albert, Jr. |
Roberson, Elizabeth "Beth" Ann |
Roberson, Priscilla A. (Johnson) |
Roberts, Charlene (Allen) |
Roberts, Ralph |
Rogers, Terence |
Schilsky, Kathy (Friedman) |
Schmidt, Donna (Fischer) |
Shaffer, Carl “Addison” |
Shave, Dee Dee (Wise) |
Shepard, Melvin Lewis |
Short, Jeannie |
Simmons, Scott E. |
Simpson, Steven “Steve” |
Skelton, John |
Smith, James R. "Bud" |
Smith, Johnny Reid, Jr. (Ringo) |
Snow, Ben |
Stack, Melody (Bogdanoff) |
Steiner, Paul |
Stama, Mark |
Strickland, Steve |
Strode, Vicki (Pannall) |
Suchcicki, Elizabeth “Beth Holly (Fagan) |
Summers, Lori (Wolfe) |
Sutherland, Beth |
Sutherland, Theresa |
Swart, April (Martti) |
Szurgot, Robert “Bob” Michael |
TenBroeck, Jane (Petrie) |
Thompson, Cheryl (Smith) |
Thorne, Debbie (Tate) |
Trautman, Diane C. (Parker) |
Tresher, Craig |
Turley, Rebecca Anne “Becky” (Hyvonen) |
Turner, Jeffrey “Jeff” Iverson |
Upp, Scott |
Vargas, Nita (Folkers) |
Wang, James |
Ward, Cyndi (Stevenson) |
Warren, Joe Clegg |
Weaver, Dennis |
Weeren, Robert "Rob" |
Weiden, Marilyn (Schwoegler) |
Welborn, Cynthia "Cindy" (Sweeney) |
West, Ray |
Whorton, Joe |
Widner (Hutchinson), Sheila |
Williams, Barbara "Bobbi" Jean (Miller) |
Wilson, Tom |
Wittenberg, Roger Donald |
Yarborough, Sheila Kay (Ham) |
Yates, Sandy (Clemons) |
Yeomans, Gary |
Yeomans, Jeff |
Zona, Mark A. |
Zuber, Sherri (Tippins) |
Zuegg, Scott |
If you have an E-mail address and are not listed
If it has changed from what is listed,
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Lloyd Davis
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