Couchman Printing Company
Terry & Vicki Davis, owners of Couchman Printing Company, had a dream for the old place, and gave TYL Construction the opportunity to make that dream come true. The combination metal, brick, and concrete block structure was completely refurbished from the inside out. Much time and effort was spent to make the building more energy efficient with the addition of new insulation, sealing up skylights, a new insulated overhead door, a new electrical service and associated wiring, and the installation of new HVAC units.
One of the major components of this project was the extensive plumbing additions required for new restrooms as well as a new dark room and other required wash basins. Also, the parking area was brought back to the proper grade, refinished, and striped.
This project was completed on time and under budget! The Owners are extremely pleased!
TYL Construction is very proud to have been the Contractor of this new landmark in the City of South Daytona. |
TYL Construction is proud to be a National Award Winning Contractor!
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